Vision 2020



About 30 Years ago, We were debating whether we wanted to establish a dispensary or a hospital dedicated people with faith in ALLAH and purely hospital at that time they did not have any resources but with the help of ALLAH and pure dedication they have made Hijaz Hospital what it is today unbelievable .

Today I wish to present my new vision where do I want to see Hijaz Hospital in 2020 I may not be in this world at that time but I hope and pray that Hijaz Hospital will look like this in 2020.

  • It will be the largest and the best welfare hospital in Pakistan. Its area will be minimum one acre of land. It will be a multistory building complex.
  • It will have the best team of physicians, surgeons and will provide health facilities to all classes of people rich and poor in financial terms it will primarily be a self supporting and self sustaining institution which will earn from the rich and spend on the poor its income will include from other sources rent from its property present and the complex to be built in future it will operate on NO PROFIT – NO LOSS BASIS. Philanthropists, who want to please ALLAH will be most welcome to play their part in every way no worldly profit for the Executive Committee, but strong hope and prayers that they please almighty ALLAH and get reward in the real life hereafter.
  • It will have the most advanced machines tools and equipment in every department.In surgery post operative care is most important. Its Para Medical team, its SOP’s and post operative care will be such that people from all over Pakistan and even from neighboring countries will want to come for treatment in Hijaz Hospital.
  • It will have fully developed facilities for training Nurses and other Para Medical staff of the highest quality, which will meet the needs of not only Hijaz Hospital but other hospitals in Pakistan as well.
  • It will be a complete hospital with most advanced Medical Facilities in various department plus research facilities develop new method of treatment, new tools, new machines, new medicines, new techniques etc. on the same line as our glorious forefathers like Boo Ali Seena and Abul Haisam, worked in the golden age of Islam between the 5th and the 15thCenturies. IN SHORT, IT WILL BE THE PRIDE OF PAKISTAN!
  • It will have most advanced accounting and audit systems, internal as well external, which will generate full confidence of not only donors inside Pakistan, but also in foreign countries, so that its donation base becomes international in the real sense.
  • In the golden period of Islam between the 5th and the 15th Centuries, our forefathers devised the system of PEER REVIESW, under which the performance doctors, was reviewed and assessed by a panel of colleagues under which the good doctors were rewarded and honored or otherwise. This system was later on adopted in British hospitals.I would like to see the PEER REVIEW developed on healthy line in Hijaz Hospital, to set healthy example for other hospitals in Pakistan.
  • Sounds too ambitious? Well, thirty year back, people would not believe Hijaz Hospital would be what it is today. Today they can see it has happened! Let us have faith and Tawakkal in Allah. Let us plan on the above lines and work hard to achieve the above vision. Let everyone work like Haji Inam Ilahi Asar! ALLAH WILL HELP US AND MAKE IT HAPPEN!